Activists from around the world gather in Tanzania

As a result of the successful campaign and support of active citizens’ participation, Civil was invited to a 3 day Civic Charter Community Meeting of NGOs’ and activists from all around the world, which takes place in Arusha, Tanzania from 26th to 29th of June.

CIVIL is one the first 50 signatories of the Civic Charter in the world, at the Global Perspectives conference in Berlin, 2016. The organization is a worldwide pioneer in campaigning for the promotion of the Civic Charter. The organization has promoted it to political leaders and government officials.

The first mayor that has signed the Civic Charter is Maksim Dimitrievski of Kumanovo. The Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, through his special adviser Marjan Zabrcanec, has expressed his support to the Civic Charter as well. Thousands of citizens in dozens of towns and cities throughout the country have learned about the Civic Charter in direct communication with CIVIL's activists.

CIVIL is invited to the event in Arusha to share its experiences with part of the global CSO community, gathered upon the initiative and support of the ICSC. The Civic Charter Community Meeting of NGOs’ and activists from all around the world, takes place in Arusha, Tanzania from 26th to 29th of June.

The Civic Charter Community Meeting is organized by the International Civil Society Center and according to the agenda aims to provide space for NGOs’ and activists to share experience and know-how, especially once being limited to act due to legal, political, social etc. restrains imposed by ruling governments.

The first day of the meeting included 3 country presentations, one being the experience of civil society in Macedonia in promotion of the Civic Charter, but also, reflection on social and political movements’ contribution in overthrowing the Government under Nikola Gruevski ruling.

Further discussions involved Campaigns in beginning or limited progress stage in 6 countries and participants giving different perspectives, ideas, and suggestions on how to improve their outreach and finally, make campaigns that bring changes in societies.

Those discussions and working groups came to the realization of many commonalities in restriction, treats and activism environment shared cross the Globe. From Hong Kong, Singapore to Argentina, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Cameron, Tanzania, Russia, Ukraine, Macedonia, Turkey, Germany and others, we came to conclusion that: Even there are different stages of democratic and economic development of the societies we come from, there are similarities in the fear-strategies governments use to silence civil society.

Therefore, the struggle for freedom of movement, speech, information, assembly are joint causes and, as such can be enhanced with mutual cooperation and standing in solidarity with the once in need, as fulfilling  the main purpose of the Charter.

Jasmina Golubovska

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