Where will your soul go, Nikola?

The situation in Macedonia has reached a boiling point! The country has been like a pressure cooker for an entire decade, while the former Prime Minister and leader of the ruling party has decided to disassemble the safety valve with an extremely inappropriate, instigating speech before his increasingly smaller number of supporters, and push Macedonia even more deeper into the mud in which it has been drowning for ten years now…


By: Sinisa Stankovic

One of the most educated journalists in Macedonia, who unfortunately left us several years ago, (and cannot comment the tragedy that is happening to us with his cynism, as an impartial witness to the descent of Macedonia and to the shattering of the idea that he always used to support – for the country to be a decent place for living of equal citizens, in which the rule of law governs) used to regularly point out that there is no political objective that is worth shedding a tear, of a parent or above all, of a child..

As a citizen of this unfortunate country, as a journalist, as a person and a parent, I was stunned by the incredible ease with which a leader of a ruling party even in a country like Macedonia, which has become accustomed to almost anything in the last decade, made threats against those who are not like-minded, who he treats as national traitors, just because they demand responsibility and accountability from the spoiled power of his camarilla…While at the same time, special forces were once more arresting the free word, only a few days after the bodyguards of Nikola Gruevski stormed in a television station in order to force journalists to delete footage on their boss…

The man, whose unscrupulous struggle for power and control, and irresponsible political agenda is (has been) permanently deepening the gap between the Macedonians and the Albanians (by using cheap tricks like iftar dinners for buying the inclination of the Albanians, part of the Romas, and the Macedonian Muslims), has made strong efforts to create enemies between the third generation of ethnic Macedonians (through the clear hunt of ideological “witches”, the brainless fabrication of traitors, foreign spies and informers, the caricaturist efforts for building a new national identity and the idiotic division of the “ancient” and the “Slavs”, or of the supposedly orthodox and conservative, like Christian democrats and all the other – not like-minded and pro-democratic, who want to be citizens, and not a silent part of the “people”, which the shepherd sees it as a flock…), has outdone himself in his hatred towards all those who are different. Firmly stepping and leaving for a march, from which there might not be any returning back. Following the shortest way to the children’s tears!

Where will your soul go, Nikola!

As a so-so politician, but above all, as a person and a parent, are you aware of where you are pushing Macedonia? Into what “new phase”? Into a street face-off for the salvation of several hundred greedy mercenaries?

The call for a lynch of those who are not like-minded, which former Prime Minister and party leader Gruevski expressed last night at the 26th anniversary celebration (?!) of the Democratic Party for Macedonian National Unity (which for a quarter of a century has been cowardly hiding behind the acronym that is deeply engraved in the history of the ethnic Macedonians) is to say the least – tempting!  Even his enormous fear of losing his power cannot justify him, which is his only remaining guarantee that he will not face an orchestrated judiciary and free media.

The situation in Macedonia has really reached a boiling point! The country is like a pressure cooker for an entire decade, while the former Prime Minister and leader of the ruling party has decided to disassemble the safety valve with an extremely inappropriate, instigating speech before his increasingly smaller number of supporters, and push Macedonia even more deeper into the mud in which it has been drowning for ten years now, in which freedom has become something only one can dream of, and the deeply politicized Macedonia being a dark Vilayet of the single-mindedness of DPMNE.


Gruevski stated that thousands of citizens had requested from him support for a “more decisive national action” and threatened that “if they continue like this (the prodemocracy forces that he calls “domestic traitors” who will experience an “intervention of the people”) no matter how much he and his associates are tolerant, he would not be able to hold the situation under control. The people are furious and at some point might get annoyed and we could end up in a phase which will not be good for the country, with the least bit for those acting like some kind of revolutionaries for lots of money and for someone else’s interests”.

And, like if that wasn’t terrifying enough, Gruevski continued with threats against the opposition as well, against the SPO, the NGO’s, and against the foreign “dark forces” – members of the worldwide conspiracy against the biblical country, and against the thousands of citizens who, finally freed from their fear, have been demanding on the streets for him to leave immediately and for the crime of the Family to be sanctioned, which has been stealing Macedonia with no sympathy at all.

Please, it is enough Nikola!

After you disfigured the idea for the existence of DPMNE beyond recognition and humiliated the honorary President in order to solidify the relative-godfather relationship clique (the deceased founders would turn in their graves, while part of the living are calling You to repent and to withdraw) and fooled around with the “national unity” of the Macedonians, marking all those who demanded responsibility for the catastrophe that we are experiencing, what is Your next goal? Disfiguring what has remained of Macedonia, a country that is sinking deeper and deeper as each minute passes, by indebting the generations of our grandchildren for the absurd reckless spending of the foolish kitsch projects and foreign “investments”? A civil war, God forbid that?

Macedonia has been on its knees for long, squandered and with an uncertain future. Today the Europeans will try again to revive the country, no matter how much they delay its count down…It is time to throw in the towel, Nikola…Before the first child tear has been shed. After that, it will all be too late.



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