Member of the Election Board in Jegunovce pressured an observer of CIVIL

An observer of CIVIL reports that while she was identifying herself at Polling Station 2118 in the primary school “Aleksandar Zdravkovski” in the village of Janchishte, Municipality of Jegunovce, a member of the Election Board, a certain Aleksandar, said in a loud voice: “What kind of NGO is this, SDSM finances them, Xhabir writes only for SDSM, SOROS finances them, Zaev finances them, they will be observing!?”

Despite the unpleasant situation, the observer was allowed to attend the Polling Station and continue her work.
CIVIL issued a sharp protest due to such behavior of the member of the Election Board.“Such behavior is unacceptable!”, said the President of CIVIL, Xhabir Deralla, at the first press conference at 10.30 am today.

CIVIL indicated that they will inform the State Election Commission and all relevant foreign and domestic organizations and monitoring missions about this incident, as early as today.
At the same time, CIVIL most strongly denies the allegations of the member of the Election Board.

“Precisely the ones he mentions in the statement have not been financiers of our organization. The financiers of the organization are transparently specified on CIVIL’s media platform”, said Deralla at the press conference.
CIVIL works in the service of the public interest, the state, the Constitution, the Electoral Code and in the service of democratic principles and standards. CIVIL is part of the civil observation and enjoys enormous trust and support in the country and abroad.

CIVIL strongly and indignantly rejects such attacks that have the purpose to discredit the organization and to prevent the work of the organization. At the same time, CIVIL asks the SEC and other competent institutions to take measures within the law and to prevent such behavior, both in regards to our observers and in regards to any observer, regardless of whether they are domestic or foreign.

Translation: N. Cvetkovska

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