A year of hopes and disappointments, historic events, intrigues and resolutions…Happy New Year’s!

New Year’s message from CIVIL

Before the very end of the year, it is common for mailboxes to be to be filled with messages and greeting cards with wishes for success, happiness, good health and joy in the coming year. The organization and its representatives these days are filled with such greeting cards from organizations and institutions, local, national and international ones. To every one of them, each CIVIL returns them a big smile and gratitude for the attention. We extend our wishes for success in the New Year to all of them, and wish them even more success, happiness, good health and joy in their personal and professional life. We wish all the organizations and institutions fulfilled plans with excellent indicators for real success, and the best possible achievements that improve the lives of people.

CIVIL publishes a New Year’s greeting card every year, which differs from the protocol and from the usual ways of communicating with the public, does not forget to congratulate and wish all the best, but to also remind of the most burning issues.

Therefore, CIVIL demands more human rights and freedoms in the New Year and sends out the message: “United We Stand, Divided We Fall”. When we say united, we mean full commitment to human rights and freedoms of citizens, regardless of their origin, status and determination.

All of us together are in search of a better life, of justice, freedom and equality. It is important to listen to one another and to realize our rights and freedoms, without endangering the rights and freedoms of others. We can achieve this only if we are united, if we are decisive, honest and courageous.

Dear citizens of Republic of Macedonia,

A year of great successes, but also of failures, hopes and disappointments, of historic events, intrigues and solutions passes…Ahead of us is another important year, a year in which it will be extremely important to be united and not to succumb to the fake news, hate speech and calls for violence.

Happy New Year’s!


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