Gruevski – aggressive, enraged and full of hate
In his speech given at the Conference of the Union of Women of VMRO-DPMNE, party leader Nikola Gruevski poured an avalanche of accusations and threats against the opposition, against his ... -
„We are not angels“
At the meeting of the ruling party’s Union of Women, former Prime Minister and leader of VMRO-DPMNE Nikola Gruevski, has perhaps sent the most strongest, harshest and confrontational messages to ... -
Impressions from "Practice Peace" in Skopje
Last week in Skopje a seminar took place named “Practice Peace”, in collaboration with seven NGO’s –Germany (CRISP), Greece (VOOLOS), Кosovo (SHL KOSOVO), Macedonia (Civil), Poland (KREISAU-INITIATIVE), Serbia (CC13 Youth ... -
VMRO women leave Skopje cold and starved
Members of the VMRO-DPMNE Union of Women left Skopje cold and starved. A large number of buses from throughout the country transported several thousand women today, in order for them ... -
Temenugov: The Government is having fun with citizens’ money
On the occasion of this week’s new borrowing by the Government in the amount of 12.5 million euros, with which additional burdon is thrown upon the citizens, putting them and ... -
Ordanoski: The Government will go all the way
After Gruevski’s “ velvet coup”, Republic of Macedonia should expect a deepening of the political crisis and even more uncertain fate. In the statement given for CIVIL on January 12, ... -
Dodevska: Macedonia’s sky high indebting
On the occasion of this week’s new borrowing by the Government in the amount of 12.5 million euros, with which additional burden is thrown upon the citizens, putting them and ... -
Bailey calls for elections, Orav is protecting Hahn and Vanhoutte
The US Ambassador Jess Bailey published comments on his Twitter account and on the official Facebook page of the US Embassy, concerning the current political situation in Macedonia. He recommended ...