Urania Pirovska: Macedonia doesn’t have a democratic capacity for elections
Civil team talked with Urania Pirovska, the director of Helsinki Committee for assessment on the electoral process. We also asked her opinion about the problems from the voter list for ... -
Margarita Caca Nikolovska: State organs are avoiding responsibility
Civil team interviewed former Judge Margarita Caca Nikolovska about the responsibility between the Ministry of Interior, the SEC and the Ombudsman for elections. We also talked about the disagreements between ... -
The Administrative Court rejected all allegations on election irregularities
No outvote shall be conducted in the places where election irregularities were noted by DPA and GROM – reads the decision adopted by the Administrative Court. These two parties reacted ... -
Rufi Osmani: То create technical government and organize new elections
These elections have been the top of negative organizations and abuse of all institutional resources by the government of VMRO-DPMNE and DUI. The pressure on the institutions, on businesses, major ... -
Elections is completed, the responsible for the electoral list is still unknown
Accusations for concessions on the electoral list are not stopping. A week after the end of elections, yet is unknown whether State Election Commission (SEC) or Ministry of Internal Affairs ... -
In between reports and denials
Reactions continue against the reporting of CIVIL observers during the election process and the days after in the municipality of Tearce, on the alleged discontent of DPA voters. During a ... -
Macedonia continues to sink into media darkness
World Press Freedom Day, 3 May, was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in December 1993, following the recommendation of UNESCO’s General Conference. The Declaration of Windhoek (Namibia) is a declaration ... -
DPA Tearce: There is nothing in the world that DPA voters can be bribed with
Denial of CIVIL’s writing: “Tearce: Conflicts and unpaid bribe” (30.04.2014)