Civic Lenses in Prilep, for transparent and responsible political processes

Following the first regional seminar “Civic Lenses: Citizens participate, observe and report” that was held in Stip, last weekend CIVIL also organized the first regional workshop, this time in Prilep, where participants from the municipalities of Prilep, Bitola and Dolneni took part.

At this workshop, participants had the opportunity to hear the experiences and recommendations of CIVIL’s team, but also through practical exercises and an interactive dialogue to learn about the basics of journalism, civic activism, human rights and freedoms and, most importantly, about citizen participation in decision-making at the local and national level.

This regional workshop is a continuation of the seminars and workshops that CIVIL has organized in the past four years, and was implemented as part of the project “Civic Lenses: Promoting transparent and responsible political processes” financed by National Endowment for Democracy, which CIVIL is implementing for the fifth year in a row.

CIVIL Communication Team


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