Intensive activities for “Green Future”

CIVIL in the municipalities of Valandovo, Strumica and Stip will promote the project “Green Future” tomorrow, which the organization is implementing in cooperation with Heinrich Bǒll- Sarajevo.

At CIVIL’s info stands, citizens will have the opportunity to learn about the goals of the project, but also to share their thoughts, views and proposals for green values, social justice and antinationalism.

CIVIL’s team will visit the Municipalities of Valandovo and Strumica in the morning hours, and in the afternoon hours, there will be an info stand in Stip following the workshop “Green Future”, which is part of the project “Green Future”.

CIVIL invites all interested citizens who would like to share their thoughts on these topics and have ideas how to contribute to Green Future, to write a message on the organization’s Facebook page. CIVIL’s team is always open for direct communication at the numerous info stands in Skopje and throughout the country. More information on CIVIL’s activities can be found  here.

CIVIL Communication Team



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