Re-run, recounting, revision and accountability for the irregularities
Based on the initial analysis, CIVIL is publically directing the following recommendations and demands to the SEC and other competent institutions: -
CIVIL Press Conference: Great number of citizens unable to vote!
In Valandovo a voter has been caught taking a photo of his ballot, reported one of our observers. The police have intervened. -
Stop the bribery of voters!
CIVIL has come across audio testimonies on vote buying in Demir Hisar. Vote buying is part of several other reports of other observers as well. Currently, ... -
Simple application for monitors from the country and abroad
A lot of our countryman and countrywomen that live around the world have expressed a lot of interest in joining CIVIL's monitoring team. -
CIVIL opens online application for election observation candidates
CIVIL has opened an Application for registration of election observers for election day on its website #FreeElections. -
WEEKLY ANALYSIS: Abuses of power surface ahead of elections
Forty days before elections and the political climate in Macedonia is sizzling. Political parties are doing calculations and analysis, with the purpose of choosing the ... -
Jovanovic: Parties are giving out unrealistic promises!
“Our trade unions, unfortunately, with some exceptions, are generally considered as “yellow unions”, or as organizations that do not perform their main work, that is, ... -
Saveski: They have killed our belief in a better tomorrow!
“Citizens are hungry for social justice! The Levica (Left) political party intends to carry out one-time writing off of debts, in particular, interests attributed to ...